This is the description of Challenge #6: Iconic Film Costume with Madame Alexander's Alex as a model:
Ted wrote:
At Home Designers,
The ALEX challenge is a complex one but if you follow these steps you will be able to solve it very easily.
This challenge is about ICONS in the movies. Thousands of films become famous and memorable because of the central female character. The film and the actress become icons for the film.
In many of the films a particular outfit also becomes an icon simply because of how it "works" in the film.
Here is a brief list of such films, stars, and outfits. All have been done as dolls.
Judy Garland in THE WIZARD OF OZ
Vivian Leigh in GONE WITH THE WIND
Marilyn Monroe in THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH
Tippi Hedren in THE BIRDS
Audrey Hepburn in SABRINA
The challenge breaks down this way.
1) Select a film
2) Determine which scene the icon outfit appears in
3) Imagine how it was described in the script
4) Create the outfit AS IF it had never been done before
The TWIST. Your new design must "work" in the final film and be compatible with the sets and other costumes. You should imagine your design set into the finished film.
Costume design descriptions are usually brief unless there are specific details (functions) required. For example. Tippi Hedren basically wears only one ensemble throughout the entire film. But, because it is a suit it can "change" to vary her look and enhance the character (and storyline) of the film. That is its "function" and would probably be noted in the script.
Be careful that your design doesn't get "lost" in the crowd. The Ascot scene in MY FAIR LADY is very tricky because everyone is dressed in black and white.
Accidental icons. There is a certain irony that the icon outfit for FUNNY FACE isn't any of the couture gowns the character wears, but the black sweater and Capri pants she dances in during a cafe scene. This outfit is such an icon that a couple of years ago the GAP used it in ads.
So, choose your film carefully.
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