Friday, October 31, 2008
Project Dollway -- er, ah, no "Project Vista" again
Everything I just typed about the new session of Project Dollway disappeared when I went to change the size and color of the font. I'm safer with html on my own with i.e. and/or Vista in this condition.
Don't know if reinstalling fixes registry errors. Tired of buying this program, that program, and the other for fixes, and damnably tired of wasting so much time because of errors that need fixes. It seems that every time I sit down at the computer, it is a fix-me session with Vista.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mike Gallagher asked this morning, "Where did John McCain go?"
"Puppets of the vast conservative conspiracy" is the only explanation for inexplicable behavior, answer for those unanswerable questions.
Sarah Palin feels she had been "set up by the Bush people."
"These aren't my clothes. They're going back. I'll go back to wearing clothes from my favorite consignment store in Anchorage, Alaska."
Puppets. One must never allow others that amount of control over oneself.
". . . set up by the Bush people ?? They are the vast conservative conspiracy.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Why "Cringing and Snickering?"
. . . so in mulling over why it was that the McCain-Palin statements seemed so oddly garbled and at others together and why it was that McCain looked like he wasn't "really" there in introducing his running mate, and why it was that she showed up out of the land of the two-day night, it came to me, the simplest answer of oll: these are "puppets of the vast right wing conspiracy." How else could they be so disengaged, so articulate on scripted speeches, and so garbled on unscripted responses in which they have talking points? Why else would a dresser go shopping at Nieman-Marcus and Saks for a VP candidate arriving out of the blue?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I Just Have to Say It
2 things:
You can put lipstick on a Pit Bull,
dress a Moose, and dress a candidate
in Neiman's and Saks,
but you can't put lipstick on a Pig. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
30 October: . . . and you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, and . . . . what was that other sow proverb that came to me last night . . . ? you don't want to buy a pig in a poke? No, something with sow.
31 October: No, it wasn't a sow, it was the Biblical and Aesop Fable phrase "Pearls before Swine." I think the Aesop Fable referred to a jewel in a chicken yard.
and Two:
This has got to be the weirdest run-up to an election I have ever seen, weird being a much lighter form of the run - up to the 1968 election, with the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr., the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by a person "who blew a hole in history," and the Democratic National Convention. All that was "unreal:" so mind- and soul-shattering that a denial of the reality of it all was a necessity.
This is all pretty unreal, surreal, as well, as if the wheels of change in the abstract realms of the macrocosm were turning and somehow hit an oil slick or a patch of ice or a defect in the road and, when they came out of their skid, their spin, regained control of the wheel, they skipped a patch in time and came out out of sync. Barak Obama is the right person at the wrong time; Sara Palin is absolutely adorable and absolutely the wrong person in the wrong place, and could it be the right time? -- for the Democratic Candidates perhaps. Then we have Joe Biden, in a practical manner of speaking, predicting an attack on the U.S. when/because Obama was elected, "to test him." If I read that in the spirit it was meant, it makes sense. If I just look at it and listen to it in the ponderous tone it was spoken, I am horrified. On the other side, we have McCain and Palin working at cross purposes and McCain doing a pretty good George Bush impersonation in Pennsylvania -- "The Democrats said some pretty mean things about you guys. . . and I couldn't agree with you more . . . ," followed by some garbled recovery similar in sense and delivery to "One time shame on you and you can't fool me two times," or whatever that infamous line was, and Sara Palin herself supplies the comedy material for Saturday Night Live: her lines write themselves. The comedy sketches are taken word-for-word from her actual public statements. It's like a huge cosmic cloudburst descended on all of them, affecting them with magic Tourette's dust.
Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are getting their ducks in a row for contesting the election, results each on different grounds. McCain's desultory performance while campaigning, and somehow coasting on in to the nomination, and then proceeding to carry on in the same way, as if . . . dare I say it . . . ??? I do dare, yet I don't know how to frame it -- carrying on a non-campaign. If I add the look on his face when his running mate was announced, perhaps I will be able to frame it -- he looked as if she had been foisted on him by higher-ups: uncomfortable with something of the deer in the headlights look behind what looked to me to be obvious embarrassment. Then carrying on a campaign of pot-shots . . . . Is he certain that the powers that be will see to it that he is elected no matter what he does or doesn't do?? There, I said it.
All I know is that I am so tired of the two-party system and much of my voting life spent voting for the one I dislike least that I am ready to break with it. Actually, when reading polls earlier on, after Sara Palin joined the Republican ticket, both candidates were sliding in the polls and the area unaccounted for, the subtext, was growing in size. I think I'm not alone in my thorough disappointment with a two-party system.
I said to my husband, "When you order a beer here, you have an infinite number of choices, a dizzying and confusing number of choices, but when you go to vote, you only have two choices. When you order a beer in Taiwan, you just order a beer: there's only one kind*: Taiwan Beer, but when you go to vote, a huge number of people from all quarters, are running,"
Well, it's tv time and time for me to go ponder the huge array of Satellite Channels available to me . . . .
*[which is not wholly true; however, if you order 'a beer' you will get a Taiwan Beer; others you would specify if you know them to be on the recent import list. There's probably a bunch of Budweiser there now, maybe Marlboros too, to accompany the fighter jet sales.]
oh, and p.s. it does have to do with dolls; I'm just not ready to show